dimanche 11 novembre 2007
Une rentree de merde
So, just as I thought the first day back couldn't get any worse... I left for my 15h class at about 14h15 and arrived outside the classroom at about 14h55. Shortly after the students began to arrive. We waited a while but there was no sight of the teacher. Olivia (another English teacher) came out of her classroom to see why we were standing outside. She said that she hadn't actually see our teacher (Marie Jose) today and, come to think of it, neither had I. I went to le secretariat to ask and was told that actually she wasn't in today, she was ill! Grr. Why hadn't anybody bothered to tell me this in the morning?! I could have gone home and stayed home, done something useful with my day instead of travelling for45 minutes to get to Lycee to find the class had been cancelled only to spend 45 minutes travelling all the way back again! Argh! I went to the library on my way home and borrowed some book before heading home. Rachel text me to ask whether I still wanted to cook together (we'd said we'd cook burgers together). I text back saying no thanks and asked her how her first day had been. She said 'merde' too so I said we should cook together and exchange stories. I went back to mine, got my lentils and then headed to hers. We cooked burgers. Delicious. Une soiree s'est deroulee qui etait beaucoup beaucoup plus mieux que la journee...