dimanche 9 décembre 2007
Les Restos du Coeur
So, Friday. I was just on my way out down the stairs to leave to go to Rond Point to meet Rachel but as I opened the door there she was, standing on the doorstep. I was completely confused. 'Thank God I caught you' she said. 'But, I'm meeting you in 15 minutes at Rond Point' I said, completely confused. She'd left her phone at home that morning and her final class had been cancelled so she'd come home and had literally just managed to catch me before going to Rond Point. We went back to hers to get her phone and then to a coffee shop on Vieux Port. Afterwards, she had to go back to Lycee for another class and I went home for lunch. I had to be at Les Restos du Coeur for 14h. I left at 13h20 to get the tram to La Joliette and then the bus number 35 to L'Estaque. I met one of the other volunteers who is going to place me in a team, I should be starting sometime this week. He explained to me what they do and how it works. It was really interesting. I'm looking forward to it. Afterwards I called in at the newsagents and bought today's paper as it had an article about La Rue de la Republique on the front cover. I came home and read it. It talked about ANF which I didn't know so I googled it and it's a private company central to the redeveloppement of Marseille - perfect for my dissertation! I then had my cours de conversation in the evening. I left for Saint Just metro at about 17h15. This week we went through a reading comprehension he'd asked me to go through with him because he got a bad mark. So, we did that. It wasn't particularly thrilling but oh well, I got paid - that's the main thing!