Tuesday was a day of strikes. The turn of the teachers. Only Olivia was striking. This meant I didn't have her BTS. I had my 2 terminale girls at 10h - we finished that awful text about cranes - I dread to think what the next text will be. I was then free until 14h. It was Marie José's birthday and at lunch time most of the English teachers and the Italian teacher went upstairs to one of the English rooms and we had a little party. It was really fun - there was quiche and pizza and champagne. Drinking in the middle of the day when there are classes still to be taught! After the party I sat in the staff room with Isabelle, Agnes and Olivia chatting away until my class of terminale at 14h. They weren't as enthusiastic as last week's students but the lesson still went well. At 15h I didn't have my secondes because the CPE (disciplinary board) was going to talk to them. There had been 'an incident' I was told involving one of the members of the class. He's a lovely member of the class. It's a class of only boys. There's a lot of them and they're loud, uncontrollable at times and are not well motivated. This particular student is quiet and wants to learn, he's apart from the rest and because of that they pick on him. It makes me angry because they are nice students really, just a bit, well, loud. I later learnt that certain members of the class had, the afternoon before, thrown eggs and flour at this poor student! Bless him, he's lovely! So, that's why I didn't see my secondes on Tuesday. After Lycée I went to give Madison a cours de conversation.
Wednesday. I went to Lycée for my french class and handed in my homework. How good it is I don't know. I was quite pleased that I'd understood everything and managed to 'keep up' so to speak. After class I came home for lunch and then went to meet Christiane (teacher from Lycée) at the cinema. We went to see 'There will be Blood'. Neither of us knew what it was about. We just thought we'd go to the cinema and that was the only film on in the afternoon. It was, umm, different. It was set at the turn of the century and was about a man who dug for oil in America. I wouldn't recommend it, not really. I then went to the library before meeting Lucy at Vieux Port at 18h for a coffee. I then did a spot of grocery shopping before going home and finishing my lesson plans for Thursday.
Thursday, 8h. Lycée. I had a class fo BTS and then Christiane's anglais renforcé where I did an oral comprehension that went well. They found it quite hard so it challenged them. I then had Olivia's terminale, that went well. Then BTS which was good too. It was then lunch followed by an hour free. I then had my other anglais renforcé class where I did the same lesson as I'd done in the morning with my other anglais renforcé class. I then had Marie José's terminale which went well - we did keeping fit. I then went to Camille's to give her a cours de conversation before coming home.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings you fully up to date with all the goings on in Marseille.
A plus (probably Sunday after having been out with Les Restos du Coeur on Saturday evening)