Above - My Birthday begins with me opening my cards. I later went to meet Rachel, Cat and Fern at Noailles and we took the métro to Rond Point du Prado and then got on the number 19 bus to the beach. It was beautiful and sunny. We went to Patacrepe to eat and sat in the sun - each of us in sunglasses layering on the sun cream.
Above - Me at Patacrepe undoing the present Rachel and Cat bought for me - a green stiped blouse with a silver thread going throught it. It's really pretty. And a bracelet too that is beautiful. But just look at the glorious weather!
Above - Rachel, Cat and Fern at Patacrepe.
Above - Fern, me and Rachel at Paracrepe - again, look at the weather - perfect.

Above - The weather was so glorious Cat and Fern decided that after eating they would go for a swim.

Above - Cat goes swimming in the Mediterranean.
Above - But whilst Cat is swimming in the Med, big, dark, black clouds are rolling in from behind... what happened to the sun...?
Above - It's ok. If you look in the right direction it's still blue sky and sunshine. Just don't look behind you...
Above - Me and Rachel on the beach trying out a bit of self-photography... it was beginning to get windy, we were getting a bit cold... the sky was one of two halves. We thought it might be time to go...

Above - I've never seen anything like it. Definitely time to be going...

Above - Rachel who, despite wearing a towel, didn't go in the sea prepares to depart before the rain falls.

Above - Fern and Cat leave the sea seeing the blackness and decide too that it's also time to leave...

Above - Just time to photograph my footprints in the sand...

Above - Oh dear. Don't they look wet?! We didn't quite make it before the rain came... infact I would go as far to say that it was a tropical storm. I've never experienced anything like it. An umbrella was useless; getting we inevitable.

Above - Me and Rachel dripping on the bus.

Above - Cat wringing her dress out at Rond Point. We really were dripping!
Above - After having gone home and dried up the weather decided it too would dry up to leave us with a beautiful sunset.
Above - Fern, me Cat and Rachel in Exit for a Birthday drink.
So, a memorable birthday and not just because of the tropical storm!