Above - the beach.
Above - me!
Above - quite possible my favourite picture - a palm tree.
Above - Cassis.
Above - Cassis.
Above - the port at Cassis.
Above - The port at Cassis.
Today I have been to Cassis with Angéline. We met at 10h20 devant la pharmacie comme toujours and walked to Castellane to take the bus to Cassis. It took about 35 minutes and was a beautiful journey with some amazing views over Marseille which I tried to photograph from inside the bus but it didn't really work. When we arrived we walked for about 5 minutes to the centre of Cassis which is a small town by the sea with a port. There were lots and lots of tourists - English, American, German, French. It was also very clean and reminded me a little bit of L'Estaque, a tiny but of Monoco and quite a bit of La Ciotat where I went with Christiane and forgot to take my camera. We did a tour of all of the restaurants to find somewhere where there was something vegetarian. I often get the impression that I (wanting to use the French word 'deranger' and being unable to find the English equivalant...) people because I don't eat meat so it limits where we can eat because it's always a case of 'is there something Gill can eat?'. Anyway we went to a restaurant and Angéline had a crepe and I had a salad. We then had desert. We had a German couple to the right of us and an English couple to the left of us. After lunch we went around the few shops, I bought a couple of postcards. We sat in the shade and admired the view, went to the beach, to the tourist office and walked around a bit. I look lots of photos like I always seem to do whenever I go anywhere (and don't forget my camera!). We then got the 17h15 bus back to Marseille and walked from Castellane back home.
"Je crois que j'ai mis la caméra..."