Firstly a lady smelling very strongly of alcohol wanting to buy the orange backdrop from the window.
'It's not currently for sale' I tell her, 'but if you leave us your name and your number we can call you when we decide to sell it.'
'OK' she says whilst eying up an as-yet unpriced brown leather jacket. 'How much is this?' she slurs.
'£6,99' I tell her.
'I'll take it' she announces before going on to explain that she won't be able to afford more than £10 for the orange backdrop as, well, what with the credit crunch and the rising cost of living - higher food prices, higher electric prices... well, if she weren't to spend all her money on alcohol she might be able to afford to feed herself and heat her flat!! But obviously I kept this thought to myself and just noted down her name and number and sold her the brown jacket wishing her a good afternoon in the process.
Next up was a familar face. He changes his hair colour like I change my socks (which, I assure you, is quite regular!) It was blue today. He comes in quite often. Nice man, but strange. Incrediby thin and always weighed down with jewellery. 'I can't get this off' he calls to me as I'm steaming clothes.
'Oh' I replied. 'Did you want to buy it?'
Right. I went to help him undo the clasp on the necklace. Trouble was, which necklace, he was wearing so many! So, after the alcoholic lady, I'm now rescuing a necklace off of a blue-haired customer. Whatever next?!
Well, I'll tell you what next. A lady who can only be described as supporting the statistic which states that Brighton and Hove has the highest population in the UK of people with mental health issues,
'Can I look at that ring please?' she asks stabbing her finger on the glass cabinet to indicate which ring. I unlock the cabinet and begin getting it out. Before I've even picked it up she begins 'will it fit me? Will it fit me do you think?'. She tries it on, 'no it doesn't fit me does it?' She says before asking to look at another one. And, before I've even picked it up 'is it going to fit me? Will it fit me?'. None of them fitted her so she went home empty handed and rather disapointed.