samedi 31 janvier 2009


Above - this photo is maybe a little random as it has nothing to do with this post but... just look how much my plant (christened Godfrey Greenleaves) has grown! A sure sign of a happy plant!

alluvion, maelstrom, imponderable, Machiavellian, doctrinaire, impecunious, psychosomatic, vitriolic, pibroch, scintilla, consanguinity, punctilious

Febraury will be an exciting month. And not just because of the all the deadlines for uni flying at me left right and centre along with all the work. Which I'm kind of enjoying. I spend more time on campus now. I like working on campus. I'll miss it next year. I'll miss being wrapped up in the education system - it's all I've ever know. I wonder what I'll be without it...

Anyway, back to Febraury. Yes, a busy month. I have my French oral on the 13th as well as my sentence outline and annotated bibliography deadline. Oh, and a synthese to hand in too as well as the reading and general preparation work, on going research project work and the other research project, that may only be half the size but will take just as much time and effort, to start thinking about. I'm heading north for a few days to visit my dog (not the family, just the dog you understand!) so that's one set of train tickets, and, looking at them, it appears SOMEBODY (I can't imagine who) booked a 0744 train! Madness. And then, a little later (actually it's in March) I'm taking avantage of Ryan Air's sale and going to Germany to see a friend who, for a second year running, is still a language assistant! If he's not careful he'll forget where England is, let alone how to speak English! We're going on a day trip to Denmark (note to self - get Danish Korona). And then, also taking advantage of Ryan Air's sale, the very same friend will be reminding himself of his native homeland (even if, or so he tells me, he is descended from the Jukes!) and coming to indulge in that oh-so-English-thing of fish and chips on the pier. (Or in his case sausage and in my case... umm, just chips?!). And then, if all this wasn't excitement enough I am going to Faro and Lisbon, both in Portugal, for a week during the holidays. And then back to visit the dog before the final home stretch to graduation. That is, of course, providing the excitement, or equally the stress, doesn't kill me in the meantime. My aim - to be alive at graduation. Forget the actual graduating, let's just focus on staying alive!