On my penultimate day in Portugal I took tram 15 (from Cais de Sodre as instucted by the girl on reception at the hostel) to Belém - the west part of Lisbon. It took about 20 minutes to get there and when I arrived I headed for the monument of discoverers. I watched a 25 minute video on the history of Lisbon and then climbed to the top of the monument to see the view over Belém and the river. Afterwards I headed slightly down the river bank to the Tower of Belém. I also visited the monastery but, unfortunately my Portuguese wasn't up to realising that 'coches' meant coaches and I therefore missed out on the Musuem of Coaches, something I'd have liked to have seen as I saw a beautiful coach at the Musuem of Portuguese Decorative Art, never mind. I had to be back in the centre of Lisbon for the afternoon as I had plans. I was going to go on a river cruise of the River Tejo (Tegus).
At 15h, after lunch, I got on a boat for a two hour river cruise. I sat at the top in the sun, but there was a slight breeze that was a bit chilly. I still got sunburnt though :) We saw the whole city from the river complete with commentary and I really enjoyed it. The lady next to me didn't seem to though as she fell asleep behind her sunglasses!
After the river cruise I went to find the Museum of Fado - Portuguese music. But there wasn't time to go around, I planned to return the next morning.