Middle - A street in Le Panier
Bottom - La Cathedrale Major
Vendredi. Le Panier. J'habite au Panier mais aujourd'hui j'ai fait un tour du Panier. Je suis allee a la vieille charite et la cathedrale major. J'ai achete un poireau et je suis rentree chez moi pour cuisiner avec le micro-onde. L'apres midi je suis aller a la poste pour collecter un colis. Il y avait beaucoup de monde, en fait, I was impressed that people were prepared to queue so patiently. There was a woman, obviously drunk, in the queue who kept trying to push infront of everyone but the person serving was having none of it. I think I was in the post office for over half an hour. I couldn't believe how long it took them to give me a parcel. I needed proof of identity as well as the form that had been pushed through my door, then I had to sign to say I'd received it. It reminds me of the other day when I wanted to pay money into my bank account, I could have understood it if I were to have been withdrawing money, but paying it in and I needed une piece d'identite!! Complete madness. Apres avoir allee a la poste je suis rentree chez moi et j'ai commence a lire un livre en francais. Je me suis deprimee, j'etais toute seule a l'appartement. Une autre assistante m'a demande de sortir, il y avait un grand renzez vous au Vieux Port pour toutes les assistantes. Je ne voulais pas sortir mais je me suis forcee. Nous etions 11. J'ai fait la connaisance de Aimee, Guy, John, Scott et Ed. Les autres, je les ai deja recontre. It was hard to keep up with everyone - their names, where they were from, which uni they were at. We were sat around 3 tables and we sort of ended up splitting into 2 groups - one either end of the tables. C'etait vraiment bizarre parce que Ed habite a Leicester et il est alle au meme ecole primaire que moi au meme temps! En fait, on est y alle ensemble! La soiree se deroulait et nous etions quatre, on est quitte le Vieux Port et nous avons fait la connaisance de quatre etudients suedois, tres gentils. On est alle a Art Hache ensemble mais on n'est pas reste longtemps, c'etait un peu nulle. Le lendemain, je me suis levee a 10h and Liz came round to use the internet (her's isn't yet connected) and also take a shower (as she has no hot water, there is a leak in her appartment too) After we went to her flat and met up with Ed en route. Later on we went to Le Vieux Port and met up with Aimee and a new assistant - John (a second John!) We went to an italian restaurant. Aimee and Ed left but me, Liz and John continued. I went home before they did although Liz told me that they went home shortly after me. It was good to meet people. I've liked all the assistants I've met so far. If I hadn't have made the effort to go out and meet people I would have been friendless and lonely and quite possibly not having anywhere near as good a time as I actually am. It is true - it is the people that make the place. On Sunday I went to Le Vieux Port to meet Liz, Gemma, Ed, John and Sarah. I didn't stay long. Marseille was a bit mad because the French rugby team were playing in the world cup at Le Stade Velodrome which is in Marseille. I went home and stayed in the rest of the day preparing myself for my first day at school...