A week ago today I arrived in this city, completely hating it. It's amazing how much can happen in a week. A complete turn around. I like it now. I've done so many things and there are still so many things to do. I have one more week to be a toursit before I start at my school. Who, might I add, I have still heard nothing! Not a thing. I have written, e-mailed and e-mailed some more and they have not replied to anything. If I had their phone number I'd ring them. If it wasn't for them having a website - http://www.lyceeartaud.net/ I would be seriously doubting their existance. Only one thing remains - to put myself on the metro and just turn up - 'bonjour, je suis votre assistante d'anglais'. I hope they aren't one of these schools that sees themselves as having been lumbered with an assistant and so take the attitude of 'what one earth do we do with her?!'
Anyway, today, quite boring to be honest. I've been watching heroes on tv links. I'm nearly at the end of the series... I only meant to watch one episode but they all end on a cliffhanger so it's impossible to not watch the next one! I did manage to drag myself away to go to Le Centre Bourse and do some food shopping. I discovered that there is a 'foreign food' section where there are BAKED BEANS!!!!! Ok, so for what you pay for one can of baked beans in France you could buy a 4 pack in England but still, BAKED BEANS! They even had BRANSTON PICKLE!! Shock, horror. I had to hold on to the adjoining mexico food aisle to avoid falling over with shock. After I left the 'foreign food' section I was quickly brought back down to earth by the unimpressive selection of french food in the rest of the supermarket. Oh well. After carefully transporting my extortionately expensive tin of baked beans home I had lunch and yes, you guess it, watched more heroes. I was forced to stop watching heroes to go and meet another random assistant. Andrew. I was meeting him at Le Vieux Port with Sarah (who I met the other day). I was standing waiting and someone stopped to speak to me 'pourquoi n'est pas tu a la plage?' il m'a demande. 'J'attends mes amis' I replied. What a random question! Il s'est arrete pour me parler. Apres deux ou trois minutes il m'a demande 'quel est ton prenom?' Je n'avais pas le choix, je le lui ai dit. Il s'appelle Magid. Je lui explique que je suis a Marseille depuis une semaine, que suis une assistante d'anglais et que je n'ai pas encore decide ce que je fais ce soir. 'Tu n'as pas encore decide?!' 'Non, je ne suis pas encore decide!' Je lui ai dit, deux, trois fois. J'avais envie qu'il me laisse mais non. 'Donne moi ton numero de telephone et on peut faire quelquechose ensemble'. Moi, j'ai menti 'je n'ai pas encore une portable francaise'. En fin il m'a laisse mon numero de portable et de chez lui et pour qu'il me laisse je lui ai donne mon adresse e-mail, celui que je n'utilise jamais. Finalement, Sarah est arrive et il m'a laisse. Et voila, ca c'est quelquechose que je n'aime pas de Marseille.
We went to meet Andrew (he's very shy, nervous. American, spent a year as an assistant in Arles last year and is studying and being an assistant this year) and then to une brasserie at Le Vieux Port where I had un jus d'orange making a mental not to myself that I must learn the french for other drinks - I'm getting bored with 'chocolat chaud' et 'jus d'orange'!! After that I came home, showered, ate, went to bed. Nothing special. Auriane is going home for the weekend, again. I have no solid plans for the weekend. Maybe I will go to Notre Dame de la Garde, I havent been there yet. And also, Le Panier - it's right on my doorstep and I haven't even walked around it yet! Then there are my postcards to write and I think the bathroom needs a clean...