On Tuesday morning I posted my postcards and met Angéline for a chocolat chaud. I had a traditional french breakfast at the hostel - croissant, pain au chocolat and jus d'orange with a thé - orange and lemon - it was the best of a bad bunch let's say! I passed on the café. I took the bus to the airport at around midday and checked in. The flight was delayed a couple hours due to the weather - yes, it was still raining! And when we got to Gatwick we couldn't land because of the fog. When we finally did land we had to walk an age to passport control. I don't know where they landed us but it was a jolly long way away from anywhere! When I finally reached passport control I sailed through quite quickly and caught a train. It wasn't raining but it was cold. Well, I suppose you can't have everything!
And there was my trip to Marseille over. No sooner had it had started it was finishing. It was strange being back. The city has not really changed. Ok, so there are a couple of new shops and the odd highrise block of offices that seem to have appeared but generally it's pretty much as it was this time last year - there's le marché de Noel and all the Christmas lights. Walking down the street it felt like I'd never been away. But it's hard to put into words. Although nothing had really changed, at the same time everything had changed. It was all the same but different. I had an excellent time though, despite the awful weather. And I hope to go back soon, maybe sous le soleil de Marseille plutot que sous la pluie...?