On Monday morning it was, guess what - raining! Grr. I was wanting to do touristy sightseeing things but at the same time I really didn't want to get wet. I bought some postcards and when in the newsagents to look at the magazines before taking the number 60 bus up to Notre Dame de la Garde. It's the first time I've ever been up there in the rain. The view was still impressive despite the mist and rain but it was cold. I didn't stay up there long. I went to meet Angéline at Noailles métro and we took the red line to Castellane where we caught the number 19 bus to go the the beach. Yes! In the rain! We ate at le Patacrepe where they have altered their menu. I had a tagiatelle but instead of being made from pasta it was made from crepes. And then for desert I tried one of the new to the menu pancake deserts with creme anglaise and apple. It was all delicious. When we left it was, surprisingly, still raining. We did a spot more shopping - we went to Mary-Jane - the jewellery shop behind the library. When we parted I was going to have a wonder around le Panier but it was beginning to get dark so I went back to the hostel. Later on in the evening I went out to get something to eat with someone from my room in the hostel and then I went to meet up with Alicia who I knew from last year.