mardi 2 décembre 2008

You can't be serious!

I did my voluntary work, as usual, on Monday morning. I was, as usual, unable to get through the front door because of all the donations that had been dumped there. When I went in it was, as usual, cold and, as usual, I had my Monday morning chores to do. But it soon emerged that this was to be no 'as usual' monday morning, or maybe it was...

Firstly there was an unexpected visitor who noramlly comes on Friday. Then there was the customer who will be retiring to Ludlow in 7 years time. Then there was the donation of dirty nappies and underwear. Followed swiftly by the two ladies who, not seeming to care that I was eating my lunch, asked

'Do you have a tape measure?'
'Yes, behind the counter.' I answered, thinking they'd go and ask the person on the till. But oh no, even though I was munching my lunch they asked me to go and get it for them. So out I went into the shop, which my lunch, and got them the tape measure.
'We don't know how much 128cm is.'
'About 4 foot.'
'Could you measure the drop for us?'
But I'm eating my lunch!!! I had to put my lunch down and measure the damn curtains!! And they never even said thank you!

And then there was the man prepared to argue over a penny...

We have a half price sale on at the moment to try and shift some stock. There were some coasters. 6 for £1,49.
'How much are these?' He asked me.
'Umm, £1,49 but everything's half price so 75p' I told him.
'But 75 and 75 makes £1,50. That's not half price, I'll give you 74p for them'.

I thought he was joking but oh no, he was being deadly serious and, seeing as technically we were advertising a 'half price' sale I had to let him have the coasters for 74p!! Can you believe it?! That in a charity shop of all places someone could be so petty over a penny. I mean, I know there's a credit crunch on and all but come on - a penny!!

You'd think after so many years as a volunteer I'd come to expect such events, but people never cease to amaze me.