I met Angleline outside the post office at 11h30. It was the first time that I'd properly seen her since she'd come back from Vietnam. We went to have lunch together. We both had a pizza and then desert. Angeline had tiramisu and I had a chocolate brownie with icecream. It was a nice lunch although I discovered a dislike of Roquefort cheese. After lunch we were supposed to go shopping but Angeline had to go back home because there was some work being done. We agreed to meet again tomorrow at 14h infront of the pharmacie. I went shopping on my own. I went to H&M and bought a pink checked blouse and a black skirt. I then bought a new bag and a pair of gloves. I then went to see Rachel who was having a coffee in a cafe. I went home to prepare for my cours de conversation and she met up with Aimee and Louise. I arrived at Metro St Just at 17h25 and the mum (who's name I don't actually know...) was there to meet me. When we got to the house Dorrean wasn't there so we sat and had a drink and waited for him. He arrived and the lesson started at 18h. I got him to tell me about his week, what he had been doing. And then about what he will be doing next week during the holidays. He is going to Madrid with his parents so he won't need a lesson next week. I had taken with me the Ludlow Advertiser that I had bought from home. We talked for the rest of the hour about the floods. It was quite a good topic to talk about because he didn't know the word 'flood', it was also interesting for him to see photos of England, proper realia as opposed to teaching material. I got home at about 19h30 and had tea. Then Rachel came back with Aimee and Louise and we sat in the kitchen drinking tea and talking. Later on we walked Aimee to the tram and Louise to the metro, then came home and went to bed.
On Saturday I got up and cleaned the bathroom. I then went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for tomato and courgette tagiatelle. I went to the post office to collect my parcel but the queue was so long. I'll go back on Monday. I went home and cooked, we had lunch and then I went to meet Angeline at 14h. Rachel came too. We went shopping along Rue Saint Fe and La Canabiere. We walked down to La Prefecture and stopped for a drink and then went to Le Centre Bourse before going home. That was about the extent of my day really. Not all that exciting. It was nice to spend time with Angeline who I haven't seen because she has been in Vietnam. I didn't buy anything, in fact, nobody did. We just window shopped. We also saw a march along La Canabiere but I don't know what it was for, none of us do. The protestors weren't french, and they were all male too. Anyway.