Saturday. My alarm clock went off at 8am but it took me until 8h20 to crawl out of bed. I had to go out to La boulangerie to buy the croissants for breakfast. They were extremely fresh, much better than when you buy them the day before. At about 9h20 we left for the metro from Colbert to Saint Charles where we changed to the red line to go to Rond Point de Prado. I don't know why but that station was really busy, there were crowds of people around the barriers where you get out. And I think someone fell down the escalator. I don't know, it was just really busy. We got on the number 19 bus to Parc Borely and walked around there. We then got back on the bus to go to the beach. We walked along and sat for a bit watching the sea and the boats. Then, at around 12h30 we had lunch at Patacrepe. A ratatouille crepe followed by dessert (which really wasn't necessary) mint icecream and chocolate chips and sauce with fresh cream. Delicious but I was so full afterwards! After lunch we got back on the bus to Rond Point de Prado and then on the metro to Saint Charles where we changed to go to Cinq Avenue Longchamps to visit Le Palais Longchamps. There were 2 sets of brides and grooms there having there photographs taken. We went in the cafe there for a caffe au lait and un jus d'orange and then back on the metro to Colbert and home. It was about 15h30 when we got back. I was completely exhaused, I think we both were! After recovering slightly we went for a walk around Le Panier and saw the Cathedrale Major. Then we bought a baguette and went back home. For tea we had bread and cheese - a selection of french cheeses, followed by the flan I'd bought the day before. Later on we watched the rugby. I'd never watched a full rugby match before and well, I don't think I'll ever watch another one ever again! If it hadn't have been for the score in the top left hand corner of the screen or the jumping around of the English fans, I would never have known England had won. They beat France and are now in the final - yey! I thought in rugby you had to get the ball over the line but all the players did was jump all over each other and keep repeatedly kicking the ball out of play. Confusing. I didn't understand at all.
Oh, and the most hilarious thing of the weekend, I've just thought of it, is that I'd asked for a roll of sellotape and a tin opener to be brought for me. I had all these tins of baked beans and spaghetti which had been sent through the post but none of them had pull rings on and we didn't have a tin opener in our 'fully equiped' kitchen. Well, the suitcase was searched at Birmingham airport as it was hand luggage only. The tin opener wasn't a problem, it was the roll of sellotape that was confiscated! Ha! Apparently the man said that you are not allowed sellotape or masking tape in your hand luggage incase you tie someone up! But it is ok to have a tin opener - you could begin cutting the side of the plane out! Brilliant!
Anyway, it's now Sunday, it's 9h50 and I feel like I've been up for ages. I have been to Gare Saint Charles and back, I had swept the appartment (it gets so dusty) and I have written my blog... what's next? Oh, I guess I could do the ironing so that when I get up in the morning I don't have to iron whatever I want to wear before I can wear it.