mercredi 3 octobre 2007
Le stage
8h30 Gare Saint Charles. We had to ask a random woman for direction to Boulevard d'Athenes which was where we were supposed to be for our formation pedagogique. I stood with Rachel and Lucy and we met another assistant called Kirsty from Bromley - where my Lycee are considering doing an exchange to. The 'training' was extremely boring and completely pointless. It was all given in French and I was quite pleased and somewhat proud that I understood every thing we were told. It was basically my CELTA course crammed into a couple of hours but time went so slowly. I was so pleased when we were released for lunch. We were given a free lunch at the university canteen, I guess to reward us for what we'd been subjected to all morning! I was surprised to find something vegetarian and was relieved it was slightly more impressive than the french school dinner I'd experienced in Monday. At lunch I sat with Rachel and Aimee and randomally bumped into Sarah New Orleans - it was really nice to see her, I hadn't seen her for quite a while. I also saw Andrew and Sarah Ohio. We met 3 other Americans at lunch too from Boston, California and Chicago, I think. After lunch I went back to Le Vieux Port with Aimee and Rachel for a coffee and Lucy came to join us. Aimee and Rachel left to go and open a bank account with Credit Agricole. I was just walking home when Jessica called me to see what I was up to. Not a lot. I met her at Colbert metro station and we went, on the metro, to Le Vieux Port when Rachel called. She came to meet us too. We went shopping - Jessica wanted a bathmat which I took to mean something for in the bath so that you don't slip but what she actually wanted was something for outside the bath so that you don't wet the floor when you get out of the bath. We randomally met another English Assistant in fnac whilst browsing through the diaries and calenders. She was called Lizzie, she's from Lancaster and is at university in Edinburgh. Her school is in Orange, so quite a way from Marseille. She came around with us for a bit and then left. Jessica and me went down towards La Prefecture whilst Rachel went to buy a diary. We stopped for a drink (and a chocolate crepe) and then Rachel came to join us. Then Aimee called to ask if we were still in town and could she join us. So she came. At arount 18h we each went out separate ways. I'm currently waiting for Lucy to text me - we're going to watch the Liverpool v L'OM champions league game...