jeudi 1 mai 2008

My last day at Lycée

Tuesday was my last day at Lycée. It was quite sad to teach my last classes and say goodbye to the students. I didn't have all my classes because there was a big manifestation at Vieux Port contre la suppression des postes from the start of the next academic year. My Lycée is losing 2 English teachers. It just so happens that 2 of them are retiring anyway so just won't be replaced. Other departments aren't so lucky and people are being made redundant. On my last day I saw my 2 terminale girls for the last time and I also saw my BTS for the last time. One of my BTS I saw for the first and last time all at once! I doubt whether she will get le moyen because she hasn't been coming to see me, her pronunciation was very bad and well, what she'd written wasn't that good either.

I'll be seeing the teachers again and going back to the Lycée again. It's the Lycée's 30th birthday on May 30th and they're having a fete so I'll be going back for that. Also I often go walking with Christiane and Marie José hasn't yet had the meal for her birthday. My contract my be over but my contact with the school isn't.

Last Friday I went to give a cours particulier to Doréan and his mum invited me out to dinner. They were going to the theatre and asked me to join them for a meal beforehand. We went to a nice little restaurant near Lycée Thiers, next to the theatre just off La Canabiere. I had an italian salad. Dorean's mum had something with pigeon in it...

On Saturday it was beautifully sunny (the temperatures have been around 25*C) and I put on my suncream and sunglasses and went to watch Chelsea play Manchester United with Rachel and Cat. I also popped round to Lucy's to say goodbye as she was leaving on Wednesday.