My original plan for today was to go to Avignon but what with one thing and another I didn't quite make it. I might go tomorrow or Saturday. I'll see. So, this morning I emailed the uni with questions about my dissertation, I did some catching up on my German, that's about all really. After lunch I made my way to l'Abbaye de Saint Victor. It took me about 20 minutes to walk there. It's in the 7e arroondissement just to the right of Vieux Port. The views over Vieux Port were very pretty and I saw the tunnel for the cars which I knew existed but had never seen. It's strange to think there is a tunnel going under the port. But then again there seems to be as much under Marseille as there is on top what with the metro, underground car parks and a tunnel - it's a miracle it doesn't all collapse!
L'Abbaye Saint Victor was founded in the 5th Century. Needless to say it's old. I went down into the Crypte and I don't know whether you're supposed to take pictures down there or not but everyone else was so I took a couple too. There were English people down there! I asked them whether they were on holiday and they said they were. They were from Cambridge - very well spoken. They were speaking quite loudly, I still haven't got why English people think it necessary to speak English so loudly. Anyway, they seemed quite nice, asked me whether I was on holiday and I was proudly able to say I was living here, I then got on with exploring the Crypte.