Sunday morning. We had our last breakfast in the Youth Hostel and took our sheets down to the laundrette. We packed our suitcases and said goodbye to the Argentinian girls we'd met. They too were leaving to go back to Toulouse. We checked out and made our way to the station passing through the fruit market again. We found our train - the 11h11 to Marseille Saint Charles. As we got closer to Marseille the sky got bluer, the sun came out. As we were pulling into Saint Charles at 14h47 we noticed the grafitti, the litter, the run-down-ness. Aimee took the metro home and I walked from Saint Charles home picking my way through the litter, the dog poo. Looking around at the road works, the building sites, the mess and chaos. Welcome to Marseille - elle est belle mais elle est sale, c'est vrai. En 1995 elle etait en retard mais maintenant on dit qu'elle est a l'heure et qu'elle advance mais je n'en suis pas sure. Je crois qu'elle est toujours en retard, peut etre qu'elle sera toujours en retard. Il y a une certitude - c'est vraiment un defi pour ameliorer cette ville.