Saturday morning. 10h45. We navigate our way successfully to Lyon Part Dieu Train Station and manage to get on the right train going to Grenoble. On our way to the train station we walked through a markey selling fruit and vegetables. It all looked so delicious. So well presented, so bright, colourful and fresh. Anyway, we arrived in Grenoble at 10h45 and navigated our way to the tourist information centre where we picked up a map and asked the lady what she recommended we do as we were only there for the day. She told us about la Bastille et le telepherique which was a cable car that took you to the top of a hill and also a walk that we could do around Grenoble. We decided to first have lunch. We stopped at a restaurant and sat outside in the sun in a big square with the snow-topped mountains in the distance. After lunch we began the walk around Grenoble to le telepherique. We went up to the top of the hill where there was an amazing view over the city. We then came back down and continued our walk around. We saw lots of squares, churches. We walked across the river and went to a museum - the museum of old Grenoble, where there was an exhibition of paintings of the city. It's the 40th anniversary of when Grenoble hosted the Winter Olympics and everywhere there are posters and displays to celebrate this. It was quite funny that they were making such a bit deal of the 40th anniversary of having hosted the Winter Olympics but indeed they were. Grenoble is a lovely city. Definitely better than Geneva and possible preferable to Lyon, although it's a close call. We got the 17h44 train back to Lyon where we arrived at 19h12. We stopped for a panini and then went back to the Youth Hostel.