Above - Le Panier
Above - La Maison Diamentee (The Diamond House) Home of Le Musee de Vieux Marseille (The Museum of Old Marseille). It's one of Marseille's oldest buildings.
So this morning I worked on my dissertation. I'm getting there albeit slowly. After lunch I went to a Museum - Le Musee de Vieux Marseille. It was on rue de la Prison which, although is in Le Panier, I didn't know how to get to so I went onto lepilote.com - a fantastic website that gives you directions to and from anywhere. I took my directions and my map and off I went after lunch. It was really easy to find even though the directions took me a way I'd never been before. And there was me thinking that having lived in Le Panier since last September that I knew it inside out! And here I was going along roads I didn't even know existed! Some of the roads are in the photos above. I went round the musuem which was small but interesting. I have a whole page of notes and bits of vocabulary and things I want to look up. After the museum I came home, picked up a book and my phone, as I'd forgotten it when I went to the museum, and went for a walk towards la Cathedrale and around the fort. I sat and read my book - it was such a lovely afternoon. Aimee called me. She was just on her way back from Madrid and wondered if I'd like to have dinner with her! She is bringing the vegetables and cheese and I have bought the baguette and desert - tarte aux framboises that I picked up from the boulangerie after my walk around the fort and Vieux Port.
I think you can expect a post a day this week seeing as I'm on holiday!